How to Secure a Second Date with a Cebuana

Contrary to popular belief, Filipino women are not easy. While some are not that hard to please, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have low standards. They usually take their time getting to know men to gauge whether they are the real deal or not. The same can be said of a Cebuana. But unlike their northern counterparts, Cebuanas have a tougher shell to crack. That’s because they are edgier, sassier, and more shrewd than your average Filipina. Having said that, it would be much more challenging to impress them.
But only in Cebu can you find some of the most beautiful women in the Philippines. While dating one can be a handful at times, their wit, tenacity, and humor ensure that you would not have dull time. The only problem you have to deal with is how to keep on seeing her after the first date. To assist you in securing a second, third, or even more dates with Cebuanas, here are a few dating tips:
Be the ‘Hunter’.
In Filipino culture, a man should be the one to initiate conversations and dates rather than Cebuanas. If you want to have a second date with a Cebu girl, don’t be afraid to make the first move again. You can send her a message saying that you would like to go for round 2. But don’t be too forward with your approach. Try to spark a casual conversation first then ease your way into asking her whether she’s free to join you sometime. In doing so, you are already dropping subtle hints that you enjoy her company and you are really into her.
Don’t Over-Compliment Cebuanas.
Subtle compliments can be flattering. Over-complimenting can be borderline creepy. After your first date, don’t text her too much. Cebuanas are typically reserved, and complimenting her repeatedly would make her uncomfortable. Instead, show her how much you appreciate her with your actions.
Don’t Rush Her
For relationships to be successful, you shouldn’t rush natural progress. Cebuanas are passionate about everything they do and prefer to take things slowly yet surely, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Don’t be surprised if she is turned off by you rushing things after a first date.
A good relationship is a marathon, not a sprint; it’s especially important to pace yourself on the first few steps. Remember not to try and push things along too quickly. Just enjoy the journey with her. Taking your time can also help you better determine your long-term compatibility and prevent you from going headfirst into a relationship that’s not on solid ground yet.
Don’t Send Explicit Messages
Sending sexually explicit messages to a Cebu woman is a major taboo. Despite the modern sensibilities of the Philippines, Filipinas are still very traditional and conservative. They usually avoid discussing sexual topics, especially with men. Such conversations would make them uncomfortable, to say the least.
No matter how well the date went, there’s no excuse for this type of behavior. You should still respect her and her femininity whether it’s the first or fiftieth meeting. This will also endear you to her and show her that you respect her.
Cebuanas have certainly maintained traditional standards when it comes to dating. As such, it’s very important to be aware of what to do and what not to do to achieve a second date with her. The actions you take and the words you say after the first date may make or break your budding relationship. Following these tips will surely get you what your heart truly desires: a second date with her.