Filipino Dating Tips | 5 Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them
Whether this is your first time to experience Filipino dating or not, you still need to be aware of how you can maintain a stable love life with the Filipina you’re going out with. If you take a look at the modern Filipino dating culture, you’ll find that most Pinay women prefer to be in a long term relationship. So if you want to make sure that your relationship survives the long haul, you have to be prepared to take on the challenges that will come your way. Trust us, they will come your way in one form or another.
It’s a given that relationships go through different types of struggles every now and again. Therefore, it’s up to you and your partner as to how you can come up with solutions and prevent them from happening in the first place. To give you a brief insight into this, here are 5 common relationship problems that you may experience as you begin dating a Filipina and how you can resolve them:
This is what happens when you have second thoughts about clarifying something you didn’t completely understand. Never assume and never come up with your own conclusion. Simply talk to your partner if there are certain issues you wish to resolve. Be honest when you communicate with each other and don’t be afraid to say what you feel.
Spending too much time together.
There’s no doubt that Filipino women are among the best companions you can ever hope to have in life. Once you’re in a relationship with one, you’ll both learn to adjust to each other’s preferences and individuality. In doing so, you must also learn to give each other time and space. They say that too much of anything isn’t good. So, one way of attaining a healthy relationship is spending time apart every now and then as you give each other room to grow as individuals.
Absence of boundaries.
With no boundaries, you’ll only end up doing things that might upset your partner, or worse, could lead to an unnecessary breakup. Encourage yourselves to set boundaries in your relationship so that you can be aware of what it is that makes either of you feel uncomfortable.
Lack of attention.
Aside from maintaining open communication with your partner, learn to be attentive to each other’s needs. Most failed relationships are due to something as simple as a lack of attention. If you’re having a serious talk, be attentive. When you’re on a date, focus on it. Giving attention to your partner is just the same as being committed to her.
Letting the past affect you.
Whether it’s past problems or past relationships, there shouldn’t be any reason for you to bring them up. If both you and your partner are sensitive about this, then come to an agreement that you’ll do your best to steer clear of unnecessary issues or events that happened in the past, especially if it will only bring negative energy into your relationship.
All things considered, there is indeed much to learn from the Filipino dating culture. For you to have a better grasp of what it’s like dating a Filipina, don’t hesitate to take time to learn what love and relationships mean to them. Who knows? You may even come up with your own set of solutions when it comes to dealing with common relationship problems in the future.